This Tuesday Bravo premiered two shows both starring the foul mouthed, eccentric, hypercritical prankster, Jeff Lewis. While Interior Therapy is no stranger to Bravo, Property Envy is brand new to the network. Both shows revolve around the world of real estate as Jeff Lewis is a well-known house flipper, interior designer and now he even has his own paint line. Now watching Bravo on Tuesdays is like watching HGTV with a little snare. So let's dive into Bravo's home night with Property Envy and Interior Therapy with Jeff Lewis.
While Jeff also stars in Flipping Out, a show that revolves around his business and personal issues, Interior Therapy is just as much about each episode's crazy new client as it is about Jeff. Each week Jeff and his assistant Jenny visit a new home that suffers from décor issues equally matched with the owners' personal problems. They pick a room or area to renovate and attempt to not only reveal a stunning new space but also improve the lives of their clients. While Jeff is persnickety and clashing with the clients is to be expected, his sharp tongue and willingness to say anything, no matter how offensive, makes the show humorous to watch in addition to its exceptional reveals. I would have to advise you to tune in! If you're into home improvement shows you get that plus so much more! The personality clashes are entertaining to watch and even with Jeff's off the cuff comments it still provides a feel-good ending to see not only their home but their lives a little bit better after the team leaves.
Property Envy is all about spectacular homes across America and the expert panel comprised of Mary McDonald (Million Dollar Decorators), Jeff Lewis (Flipping Out) and Brandie Maylay (real estate expert) who tour the country's most unique and most expensive homes giving their thoughts and their price tags. While the cast brings the show some much needed humor and lightens it up a bit, it reminds me of something on PBS at 2am. It's boring! Yes we get to peek into some spectacular real estate and they try to spice it up by adding a few games, but overall it is incredibly slow and not what I'm used to from Bravo. This is a genre that a lot of people like but it strays way off the beaten path from the normal drama we love from this station. However, if you are interested in short clips of various over-the-top housing Property Envy is for you.
When it comes down to it, I probably won't keep up with Property Envy because it's just not my cup of tea. Interior Therapy with Jeff Lewis however, brings viewer tons of drama, laughs and awesome remodels so it's a home run. Tune in to Tuesdays on Bravo's to see both shows on their night dedicated to real estate and more importantly, Jeff Lewis. Enjoy!
Bravo is the reality network that tops all & although they have a plethora of shows, aside from select Real Housewives drama, I can't really find much intellectually to say. However, this blog is basically an outlet for my opinions and overviews on the current shows from this network. I don't have time to watch them all, nor would I really want to, as there is only so much drama any sane person can handle! So check this out, my recaps, reviews, & Enjoy! Comments Welcome!
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Property Envy & Interior Therapy
Interior Therapy,
Property Envy,
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